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Apply for a Type A Research Grant

Our Type A funding programme is aimed at MBChB and Ph.D. cancer researchers based at South African universities and research organisations. The purpose of this funding is to support high-quality research to advance management and improve outcomes for the most common cancers in South Africa.

There is currently no funding call for 2025 Type A research applications. 

We do not finance scientific research aimed at developing new anti-cancer medicines. However, we will consider funding work on licensed anticancer medicines, particularly when the research addresses issues that are unique to a South African context. We focus on supporting research in the following areas:

  • Epidemiology and determinants of the burden of cancer in South African populations
  • Health-seeking behaviours and early detection and diagnosis of cancer
  • Health promotion and risk reduction of cancer, with a particular focus on behavioural risk reduction
  • Optimal patient care addressing survivorship issues, quality of life, rehabilitation, and palliative care services
  • Other health services and health system research relating to the above categories, including improved understanding of the major barriers to care as well as the impact of current referral pathways
  • Research relating to cancer biology/biochemistry/molecular biology/immunology with direct implications for early detection, risk reduction, and patient care

We also do not fund applicants who are not South African citizens, or who do not have permanent residency. Researchers are encouraged to also approach the MRC (Medical Research Council), NRF (National Research Foundation), and DST (Department of Science & Technology) for cancer research funds.

The maximum annual amount granted for funding is currently R1 million per applicant per annum for 3 years. CANSA will fund 75% of grants only. Applicants are requested to approach their relevant institutions for augmentation of the remaining 25% for 3 years. CANSA thus funds R750 000 per annum over 3 years and the institution of the grantee R250 000 per annum over 3 years giving a total of R1 million per annum over 3 years.

Applications must be sent to the Research Administration office.

  • Rules and regulations pertaining to CANSA grants
  • Research Grant Application Form
  • Application to use CANSA grant funds to travel overseas
  • Report of Overseas visit to support cancer research project funded by CANSA
  • Our Research Committee

Get Involved

  • Read more about our research here.
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 0800 22 6622 Toll Free
 072 197 9305 English and Afrikaans (text only)
 071 867 3530 isiXhosa, isiZulu, Sesotho, Setswana and Sepedi (text only)


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