The responsibility rests with patients to contact CANSA for assistance. Read more...

CANSA’s Governance Structure

CANSA holds itself to the highest standards of ethics and sound governance with a well-balanced board committed to the sustainability and ethical conduct of services to the public.

Roles & Responsibilities

CANSA has a strong and capable Board of Directors to which CANSA’s CEO and Executive Committee (EXCO) report. In accordance with the identified risks within CANSA, the Board appoints Sub-Committees to assist the Board in reviewing and advising management within specific portfolios.

This structured system of organisational governance ensures proper checks and balances, the input of appropriate experts on decision-making and strategic oversight of comprehensive nationwide operations.

The Board, as the highest decision-making body of CANSA, is responsible for the strategic direction of the company and appoints the Chief Executive Officer and Executive Directors to maintain the day-to-day management.

Sub-Committees of the Board

  • Audit and Risk Committee – ensures effective financial and broader risk management within the organisation
  • Investment Committee – promotes and ensures solid investment practice and growth
  • Remuneration Committee (REMCO) – enhances sound, transparent and fair human capital practice and employment equity
  • Research Committee (RESCOM) – ensures relevant and effective allocation and management of research funding
  • Social and Ethics Committee – promotes integration and oversees social and ethical matters relating to CANSA
  • Nominations Committee – ensures the board has the appropriate composition for it to execute its duties effectively

In accordance with the King III Guidelines, the Social and Ethics Committee was established in late 2010, as a further Sub-Committee of the Board to address all ethical risk issues.  CANSA has more than the recommended Sub-Committees of the Board in place to address the specific risks identified within CANSA.

The EXCO-managed Risk Committees were restructured in 2020 to ensure realignment with the new CANSA Structure and the following Risk Committees were formed to identify and address the most significant operational risks in accordance:

  • Risk Management Committee
  • Quality Assurance Committee (determines and addresses standardisation and quality of all policies, procedures, processes and documentation)

At the Annual General Meeting held in September 2012, the members approved the Memorandum of Incorporation in accordance with the new Companies Act, No.71 of 2008, to enable the execution of the bigger, approved CANSA strategy.

The in-house Internal Audit process makes provision for the identification of non-adherence to policies and procedures, while also identifying possible gaps in existing policies and procedures that could cause further risks.

Whistle Blowers Service

Whistle Blowers (Pty) Ltd is an independent subscription service, offering a 24 / 7 free call facility enabling employees or third parties to anonymously blow the whistle on irregularities within the subscribing company.

The Cancer Association of South Africa (CANSA) has secured the services of Whistle Blowers as of July 2018. Read more…

Queries CANSA

For further information please contact Lucy Balona, Head: Marketing & Communication CANSA – email: or tel: 011-616 7662.

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 0800 22 6622 Toll Free
 072 197 9305 English and Afrikaans (text only)
 071 867 3530 isiXhosa, isiZulu, Sesotho, Setswana and Sepedi (text only)


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