The responsibility rests with patients to contact CANSA for assistance. Read more...

Support for Children, Teens, Young Adults and Families Affected by Cancer

CANSA TLC staff help children, teens and young adults with cancer, and their loved ones, cope with their cancer diagnosis and treatment at our CANSA TLC Facilities, various oncology wards, online and through the CANSA Free2Bme Adolescent and Young Adult (AYA) site.

Youth and young adults whose parents have been diagnosed and siblings of youth and young adults that have been diagnosed are also supported through our TLC services.

CANSA TLC also aims to educate communities about the symptoms of childhood cancer, and the symptoms of teen and young adult cancers to enable early detection and timeous treatment.

CANSA and CANSA TLC staff believe no child, teen, young adult or family should have to face cancer on their own.

Overview CANSA TLC Service

How referrals to CANSA TLC work

CANSA TLC services

CANSA TLC Facilities

Symptoms of Cancer

Symptoms of childhood cancer

Symptoms of teen and young adult cancer

Types of Cancer

Types of childhood cancers

Types of teen cancers

Types of young adult cancers

Cancer Myths

Myths about childhood, teen and young adult cancer

More cancer myths

Coping with Diagnosis and Treatment

Emotional Support


Become part of our teen community

Helplines and support groups for teens

Become part of our young adult community

Helplines and support groups for young adults

Facebook support group (for parents / guardians / loved ones)

Coping with Diagnosis

Resources to help cope with a cancer diagnosis (for children)

Resources to help share a parent or loved one’s cancer diagnosis (for children)

Resources to help cope with a cancer diagnosis (for teens)

Resources to help cope with a cancer diagnosis (for young adults)

Coping with Treatment

Resources to help cope with side effects of cancer treatment (for children)

Resources to help cope with side effects of cancer treatment (for parents / guardians / loved ones of children)

Resources to help cope with side effects of cancer treatment (for teens)

Resources to help cope with side effects of cancer treatment (for young adults)

Coping with Bereavement

Resources to help cope with the loss of a parent or loved one (for young children)


Choosing HOPE amid challenges (for teens)

Choosing HOPE amid challenges (for young adults)

Stories of HOPE (for teens and young adults)

Webinars and Videos

Webinars (upcoming webinars and recordings available for previous webinars)



Support our TLC Projects and Help TLC Families and Patients

Online Donations:

Donations to support CANSA TLC services

Annual September Vlok Family port / broviac fundraiser

In Kind Donations:

Donate food parcels and care packs

Donations to CANSA TLC Facilities (wish lists per facility): CANSA TLC Nicus Lodge, CANSA TLC Polokwane Paediatric Oncology Ward, CANSA TLC Durban Lodge and CANSA TLC  Tygerberg Teenage Support Room


Please contact Anina Meiring about information regarding volunteering opportunities.

How to Access TLC Support

Parents / guardians / young adults in need of support are invited to contact Anina Meiring or Vera van Dalen or 083 616 1142 (office hours)

Do you have a question?
Book a counselling session

CANSA Tele Counselling

 0800 22 6622 Toll Free
 072 197 9305 English and Afrikaans (text only)
 071 867 3530 isiXhosa, isiZulu, Sesotho, Setswana and Sepedi (text only)


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