Grant Funding Results 2010 – 2019
Researchers working at academic and research institutions across South Africa applied for research funding. They sought support for a variety of cancer research projects – from epidemiology, early diagnosis of cancer, prevention of cancer, optimising patient care, health system research and research relating to cancer biology/biochemistry/molecular biology as these relate to early detection, prevention, and patient care.
After obtaining local and international peer reviews for all submitted applications, our Research Committee (RESCOM) met to determine the funding allocations for three-year grants. The popularity of CANSA funding is growing and thus becoming more competitive and we received an increased number of applications in comparison to recent years.
CANSA does not fund any scientific research aimed at developing new anti-cancer medicines but focuses on:
- Epidemiology and determinants of the burden of cancer in South African populations
- Health seeking behaviours and early detection and diagnosis of cancer
- Health promotion and risk reduction of cancer, with a particular focus on behavioural risk reduction
- Optimal patient care including rehabilitation and palliative care services
- Other health services and health system research relating to the above categories
- Health economics of cancer, including the economic burden of cancer and its risk factors, and cost-effectiveness research
- Research relating to cancer biology/biochemistry/molecular biology as these relate to early detection, risk reduction, and patient care
Researchers were encouraged to also approach the Medical Research Council, National Research Foundation, Department of Science & Technology, and overseas sources for cancer research funds.
Download a list of:
- successful researchers for 2019 funding
- successful researchers for 2018 funding
- successful researchers for 2017 funding
- successful researchers for 2016 funding
- successful researchers for 2015 funding
- successful researchers for 2014 funding
- successful researchers for 2013 funding
- successful researchers for 2012 funding
- successful researchers for 2011 funding
- successful researchers for 2010 funding
Read about projects currently funded by CANSA.