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Help the Vlok Family Raise Money to Make Treatment Easier for Young Cancer Patients

2024: Each September Madeleine Vlok and her family host an online fundraiser to support our CANSA’s TLC Programme and children and teens affected by cancer.

This is the Vlok family’s 12th year of supporting children and teens with cancer through CANSA TLC!

Says Madeleine, “Our theme this year: ‘Stronger Together’. By continuing to raise funds this September, we will be able to provide much needed support for the year to come.”

Purpose of Fundraiser

“Funds raised in 2024 will help CANSA TLC afford life changing cancer treatment devices like broviac / port catheters (used for critical chemotherapy infusions, administration of medicines / fluids, as well as repetitive blood draws) which help avoid the trauma to a child or teen of having needles inserted into their skin repetitively during treatment.

Also prosthetic eyes (retinoblastoma is a prevalent paediatric cancer in South Africa), as well as a variety of paediatric mobility devices, and other medical necessities.

Funds will also help afford nutrition packages for those in need.

During our visits to CANSA TLC in South Africa, we saw firsthand how the donations and the work done by CANSA TLC positively impacts families,” says Madeleine.


About the Vlok Family Fundraiser for CANSA’s TLC Children

Madeleine Vlok and family raise funds to support awareness and care & support for those who have been affected by Childhood Cancer, every year, during September, Childhood Cancer Awareness Month.

Says Madeleine, “We thank you for donating towards our fundraiser. No child or family should have to face cancer on their own…”

Background Vlok Family Fundraiser

Madeleine explains:

Many ask why we run our annual campaign.

In memory and honor of our Mom / Grandma and others’ brave fight against cancer, we are inspired to give back.

Our 3 boys have been part of our fundraiser and awareness campaign since day one and help raise awareness of childhood / teen cancers.

We encourage our kids to always look out for others, and there is something powerful about kids helping kids. A community effort spreads awareness and creates empathy and charitable hearts in all of us.

Although we live in the US, we love, respect, and honour our roots and where we came from.

We feel humbled and honored to work with CANSA TLC in South Africa every year.

Total Raised

Says Madeleine, “We raised a total of ZAR 629 846-30 ($32 634-52) during September 2023 for CANSA TLC, South Africa. This brings our total 2013 – 2023 to ZAR 4 023 487-04 ($265 691-12).”

Vlok Family 2023 – 11th Annual Fundraiser for CANSA TLC

Why Raise Money For Port-a-Cath and Broviac Implants:

We are raising funds specifically for the purchase of lifesaving port-a-cath and broviac implants, for kids who are not covered by medical aids, to be used by young cancer patients in South Africa. A child with a port will experience less needle pricks and the obstacle of finding a vein will be removed.

What is a Port-a-Cath?

A port (or port-a-cath) is a small medical appliance that is installed beneath the skin. A catheter connects the port to a vein. Under the skin, the port has a septum through which medicine can be injected and blood samples can be drawn many times, usually with less discomfort for the patient than a more typical “needle stick”.

This is a lifesaving device for a cancer patient, during regular chemotherapy sessions, but also in cases of emergency, where doctors might need to administer medicine / fluids quickly.

Most chemotherapy patients struggle with the “health” of their veins during their treatment thus making it very difficult to access the veins sometimes. The port-a-cath makes it quick and efficient to access veins directly.

Madeleine Fundraiser 2015

Help Save a Young Life and Make Treatment Easier:

All funds will be earmarked for and received by CANSA’s TLC Programme. No donation is too small to make a difference and donations will add up to cover the costs of these lifesaving ports. The cost of a port in South Africa is approximately R4 500, including port needles for the duration of treatment. The cost of a paediatric nutrition package is R350.

Vera van Dalen (CANSA TLC) 2023:

“Making a difference and offering support is a privilege. Over the years CANSA TLC has reached out to childhood oncology units, offering support in various ways.

Our prosthetic and disability support includes ports and broviacs, artificial eyes, wheelchairs, different medical lines, dressing and nutritional support. Over time our ability to provide support grew, enabling us to reach out in more ways and making a difference in more oncology units, thus helping more oncology kids.

We have responded to requests and donated to paediatric patients and oncology units in Durban, Cape Town, Polokwane, Johannesburg, Pretoria, Kimberly and Port Elizabeth.

We will continue to raise the bar in our support in order to bless little people affected by cancer.”

About CANSA’s TLC Programme

CANSA TLC (Tough Living with Cancer) is a programme for children and teens diagnosed with cancer or affected by cancer (a family member has cancer). Support is provided to the family as a whole.

Read more about CANSA’s TLC Programmme or contact Anina Meiring, email:

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