Cancer Support
If you are a teen (13 to 17 years of age) struggling with your cancer diagnosis or treatment and needing emotional or practical support, please complete and submit this online form. (This service is free of charge).
Young Adults
If you are a young adult struggling with your cancer diagnosis or treatment and needing emotional or practical support, and would like to chat one-on-one to a CANSA Tele Counsellor please complete submit the following online form. (This service is free and available in 7 languages).
Or join our Facebook Support Group: CANSA Cancer Survivors Champions of Hope
Personal Safety
If you are a child or teen (up to the age of 18 yrs) and believe that you are not safe or that your rights are being ignored or violated please contact Childline: 116 (available 24 / 7) calls are free from all networks or email
Young Adults
If you are a young adult (18 to 25 yrs) and believe you are not safe or that your rights are being ignored or violated please contact LifeLine: 0861 322 322 or email – this service is free of charge.
Teens and Young Adults
We know a cancer diagnosis can be devastating – please don’t give up – contact SADAG 0800 567 567 if you are thinking of suicide. (This service is free of charge).
View the section on our site about emotional support: Teens | Young Adults
Images Credit: Freepik