The responsibility rests with patients to contact CANSA for assistance. Read more...

Cancer Patients Thank CANSA Against Backdrop of COVID-19 Pandemic

CANSA has been hard at work to keep patients and loved ones supported during lockdown. Some of our patients and loved ones share how we have helped them recently and during lockdown:

Mary Mouton had cervical cancer which metastasised to her breasts: “This left me very sick, breathless and with no energy. Being an active healthy person, running around, caring for others, helping with fundraising, baking, volunteering with intellectual disabled persons, my life came to a stand still. My family figured I would get over this like it was a bit of a headache, so the support was not there. I got sicker and more miserable. I ended up with anxiety attacks and far too much stress. Somehow I thought that my only answer was for my family to understand, and to help with this, I contacted CANSA. The time was also not ideal as it was lockdown, but we made a plan. CANSA stepped in and it was explained to my family that I am no longer the active person I used to be and that I needed help and support. Help with a hairbrush and help to get dressed. My daughters now understand, and they have had to accept things have changed. For them it is also not easy. Thank you CANSA for your wonderful support when we all needed it most.”

George Bindeman, cancer survivor: “At the beginning of 2020 I was diagnosed with breast cancer as well. My life was shattered and felt like it was over. During this time, CANSA gave me moral support via the telephone. Unfortunately we are in lockdown period now and due to this people were not allowed to visit me. I really appreciate the help I got from CANSA.”

Nonkqubela Bonkolo: “I was diagnosed with breast cancer in 2018, few months after my graduation as a Social Worker, I was traumatized. I was then referred to the CANSA oncology Social Worker. CANSA’s visit helped me a lot, and the social worker was very patient and informative on all the questions I had as well as my fears and doubts. Since I’m unemployed and had no prosthesis at Frere Hospital, she assisted me to get one. She introduced me to a group of survivors which I’ll be forever grateful for and she trained me on other types of cancers. I’m currently one of the CANSA volunteers under her wing, where I’m able to use my social work skills. In this way I’m able to give back on what was done for me. I wish CANSA can continue to do what they did for me to other people, thank you CANSA, I wouldn’t be where I am today if it wasn’t for you.”

Yolande Pienaar breast cancer survivor: “When I was diagnosed with metastasis to the lungs, I immediately called the social worker at CANSA. I found that I had a new family, as everyone was so helpful and friendly. My relapse was quite serious, and my family and I found a mother-figure and mentor in the social worker. Whenever we felt some stress, or my symptoms worried us, she was just a phone call away. If she did not have an answer, she contacted other professionals to find answers for us. While I was in ICU, she did counselling with my husband and children. The information shared with them, put them at ease, and I often hear my children talking about the session, as a lot of the advice was practical and helpful.”

Mandi Venter mother of a child with cancer: “I would like to thank CANSA for all your support that you are giving, not only to me, but to all onco families every day. Thank you for always supporting us mothers on the TLC WhatsApp group and for all your support and messages every day. Thank you for being there for us emotionally and helping us to deal with the stress. Thank you for checking up on us every day to make sure we are okay. We appreciate you so much, you always go the extra mile to try and help us. We are blessed to have you and don’t know what we would have done without you, because not everyone understands, but you do.”

Judy cancer survivor: “Diagnosed with breast cancer after asking CANSA to examine a sinister lump. Mammogram and mastectomy were expedited through CANSA who understood my entire home situation, as well as my health. The counselling given to my daughter; who is Down syndrome, was invaluable in easing her mind. Every bump in our journey was smoothed over by the love, care and honest expertise of CANSA. The visit the day after surgery and subsequent home visits went way beyond the call of duty.”

Amanda Raven, twice breast cancer survivor: “Throughout my experience, CANSA provided me with the equipment I needed to feel like a woman again.”

Anonymous: “I was 53 when l was diagnosed with stage 3 breast cancer. It was very hard for me to accept the news until my younger sister heard from a friend about CANSA. CANSA staff counselled us about our cancer fears and those myths about cancer we had, all vanished. I was helped to cope with the terrible side effects of chemotherapy, because l used to pay CANSA a visit after every chemo session. With the help of CANSA l managed to finish chemo at the expected time. After radiation CANSA advised me on how to take care of the skin where the bra fits and I was given a soft sponge. I was given a prosthesis and a wig so that my image as a woman could remain.”

Reina Slomp, mother of 17 year old Nichole, who died of Ewings Sarcoma: “Instead of only providing a service, CANSA gave us unconditional love and support and for that, I will ALWAYS consider CANSA a part of my family.”

Leandri: My first contact with CANSA was in Pretoria where I lived when I was diagnosed with cancer. I moved to Port Elizabeth in 2019. It was not long before I was contacted by CANSA Port Elizabeth. They made me feel right at home as I did not know anyone. It was not long till I attended my first CANSA Relay For Life in PE as well. To see so many survivors in one room I knew I was not alone on this journey. The CANSA support groups and WhatsApp messages makes such a big difference in a person’s life.”

Tembela Kraai: “I would like to thank CANSA for assisting my father in law. He was diagnosed with prostate cancer and unfortunately, he was at advanced stage. I approach CANSA and they assisted us and provided essentials like a walker and mattress. We thank CANSA and we wish they will grow to greater heights and assist as many people as possible as their help is valuable to the society. The information about cancer that was provided by CANSA and the experience of seeing and caring for my father in law has ignited the interest in me to serve others on voluntary basis, especially men about early testing of prostate.”

Lynette Lagardien: “While I have been at Tygerberg hospital I also stayed at the CANSA Tygerberg Care Home and my stay there was so nice as the staff went out of their way to make our stay comfortable. Thank you CANSA!”

Nikki Dawson: “CANSA was there for me when I needed help with anything. Recently they were able to help me with a bathroom item, which makes my life a lot easier.”

Anonymous: “I was diagnosed with breast cancer in May 2019. I met a CANSA volunteer, when it all was so confusing. She gave me advice at the right times and assisted me to cope with certain obstacles at the start of my journey. The CANSA Relay For Life was amazing that we did as a family and it was an amazing experience. Thank you CANSA for the unselfish support you give to the patients and the broader community.”

Carin Juanita Hendricks kankeroorwinnaar: “Die KANSA ondersteuningsgroep help my ook baie want ek woon praatjies by en is altyd aangenaam om ander se stories na te luister want dit gee weer nuwe hoop.”

Liz Uys borskankeroorwinnaar: “Ek is van dag een ondersteun met oproepe, boodskappe en besoeke. Ek is ingelig oor die siekte. Ek het nie n familiegeskiedenis van kanker nie, en het nie geweet wat om te verwag. My man is ook ingelig oor die behandeling en verloop van sake, wat vir hom ook baie beteken het. Ons kon ons vrese en bekommernisse met haar deel, en sy kon ons van inligting voorsien wat ons gemaklik laat voel het. Ons is KANSA ewig dankbaar.”

Miranda Fisher “Ek is verwys na die KANSA Sorgtuiste waar ek 4 weke en 6 dae gaan bly het, sodat ek daagliks bestaling kan kry. Ek moet spog met die Sorgtuiste, die plek en die programme wat aangebied word, die personeel wat sulke lekker kos maak en gunsies doen. Ons was een groot familie!”

Danie van Tonder “My vrou was Januarie 2020 huis toe geskuif vir tuisversorging. KANSA het uit hul pad gegaan om ons toe te rus met die nodige om te verseker dat ons haar so gemaklik moontlik kan maak. My vrou het ongelukkig haar stryd teen kanker op 3 Maart 2020 verloor. Dankie is so klein woordjie, maar dankie KANSA dat julle ons in ons tyd van nood gehelp het.”

Charmaine borskankeroorwinnaar “My hare het na ‘n paar dae na my eerste chemo begin uitval. Dit was vir my baie traumaties en ek was baie emosioneel. Elke keer wanneer ek my hare moes kam was dit maar ‘n tranedal. Ek het gevrees hoe ek die buitewêreld in die gesig sou kyk. Ek besoek toe KANSA en na ‘n wonderlike opbeurende gesprek, bied hulle my ‘n pruik aan. Net daar kom verander dit my selfvertroue en my uitkyk op die wêreld daar buite.”

Suna Swart, is met borskanker gediagnoseer. Sy het n mastektomie gehad en moes bestraling kry. Sy skryf: “Die KANSA vrywilligers het my baie positief laat voel. Daar was tye wat ek gevoel het ek wil nie, en kan nie meer aangaan nie, maar met hul ondersteuning en motivering is ek daardeur. Daar was altyd belangstelling oor my welstand. Dit word baie waardeer.”

Ina Stander: “My lewe het skielik tot stilstand gekom in November 2018 toe ek met borskanker gediagnoseer is. Die skok was net te groot. Ek was bang en wou nie meer lewe nie. KANSA het my so gemotiveer dat ek besluit het om die lewe te kies en die chemo pad aan te pak. Ek is daardeur…. Ek is gesond!”

Dinah Lawrence: “Die gesondheidswerker van KANSA se besoektyd aan my woning is een van die hoogtepunte van my en my man se dag. Sy is altyd bemodedigend en ondersteun my altyd emosiooneel, veral op die ‘nie goeie dae’.”

Rene Shacks: “Toe ek in hierdie KANSA Irma Bruschi Sorgtuiste instap was my ‘alles’ stukkend. Ek was bang vir dit wat voorlê. Die onsekerheid was oorweldigend. Vandag stap ek uit vol selfvertroue, vol waagmoed, vol determinasie dat hierdie ding met die naam kanker my nie gaan onderkry nie. Ek gaan julle nooit, ooit vergeeet nie.”

“My man, Bertus Steenkamp is in Oktober 2019 gediagnoseer met stadium 4 kanker en al sy organe was reeds aangetas. Wat ons egter minder op voorbereid was, was die fisiese en emosionele wipplank rit wat saam met hierdie diagnose kom. Gou het ons geleer dat kanker nie net die pasiënt raak nie, maar ook in ‘n vreeslike groot mate die dierekte gesin betrokke. Wat vir ons oneindig baie beteken het was ‘n kuiertjie by KANSA se mense. Dit was lekker om te kon huil… sommer oor alles, moegheid en domgeit… want hulle het saam gehuil. Hulle woorde was vertroostend en bemoedigend en ons het geweet ons is nie alleen nie. KANSA en sy mense is ook ‘n anker in die kanker storm.”

Disclaimer: The responsibility lies with cancer patients to contact CANSA for assistance. Read more…

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