Tips to Prepare Women to Cope Holistically with Breast Cancer Surgery
CANSA shares some helpful tips to support breast cancer patients who undergo surgery. Breast cancer remains the most common cancer affecting women of all races in South Africa, with a lifetime risk of 1 in 26 according to the National Cancer Registry of 2022. It affects women of all ages, although the risk increases as a woman gets older. (1)
As part of the treatment plan, sometimes surgery is required which depends on the type of breast cancer, size of tumour(s) and stage of the disease. This could include breast conserving surgery (lumpectomy), or surgery to remove the whole breast, known as a mastectomy, or to investigate if the cancer has spread to the lymph nodes under the arm.
- Tips to Help You Cope Before Breast Cancer Surgery
- Tips to Help You Cope After Breast Cancer Surgery
- Tips to Help You Cope Psychologically with Breast Cancer Surgery
How CANSA Helps
CANSA offers a free Tele Counselling service, in 7 languages. Support groups (WhatsApp / face-to-face) and Facebook support groups for cancer patients, caregivers and loved ones, clinical counselling and advocacy guidance are also free.
Affordable breast prostheses and bras, lymphoedema garments, wigs and headwear are available.