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CANSA 90th Messages of Appreciation from Cancer Patients & Loved Ones

It warms our hearts to know we’ve been able to make a difference in cancer patients’ lives, and help them know they are not alone in the fight against cancer…

#CANSACareAndSupport #CANSAcares #CANSA90

Medical Equipment Hire

Anoniem,”Ek wil net vir die dames van KANSA se baie dankie. In ‘n baie kort tydjie het hulle my baie bygestaan met my pa se kanker. Emosioneel het hulle baie gehelp en net om met hulle te kon praat en hulle my meer vertel en hoe om my pa te help en by te staan het vir my soveel beteken. Ken ons van geen kant nie, maar het binne minute gehelp met n rol stoel, hospitaal bed, skaap velletjie en eierdop matras. Baie baie dankie. Nou weet ons hoekom baie mense met kanker van KANSA praat as familie, want hulle maak mens hulle familie. Woorde is nie genoeg om dankie te se nie.”

Natasja Le Roux, kankeroorwinnaar, “Ek is Natasja Le Roux, ‘n Survivor vanaf 2009. Ek het breinkanker, bors en limfkanker, stadium 4. KANSA se mense dra my deur alles, vanaf ‘n WhatsApp, doeke, rolstoel, kniegstut, en boudkussings. Hulle het selfs vir my kom kuier in die hospitaal met ‘n operasie wat glad nie kanker verwant is nie. Dankie KANSA. KANSA Pretoria se Relay for Life is so spesiaal. Ek loop dit want elke tree is ‘n oorwinning oor die aaklige kanker. En KANSA op daai dae laat jou as ‘n Survivor baie spesiaal voel.”


CANSA TLC patient’s mother, “As a young mother of a little baby diagnosed with cancer it was hard to accept and deal with, but with CANSA’s continued support things had become easier and less stressful just knowing that there is someone who cares.”

CANSA TLC patient’s mother,”CANSA has been there for me and my family since day one, I thank God for these service delivery workers and the organisation as a whole. I wouldn’t want to imagine where we would be without CANSA. May you continue ensuring that there’s no child who receives treatment with nothing to eat afterwards, no child who gets discriminated against and excluded at school and most importantly ensuring that our people get educated and fully informed.”

Home Based Care

The Human family,”The CANSA volunteer was a true angel. A definite blessing for my father, who suffered with liver cancer, as well as myself and sister who cared for him at home in the last days. She did her utmost to help us in these trying times and we will be forever grateful.”

E van Rensurg expresses her thanks towards a CANSA Caregiver, “CANSA was heaven-sent to our traumatised family when my belated husband was ill, and the experience inspired me to become a volunteer as well. I am forever grateful towards CANSA.”

Emotional Support

Rassie Venter pasient, “KANSA is daar om ‘n bietjie ondersteuning te gee en om my te help aanhou hoop.”

Lindiwe Ntuli, cancer patient,”CANSA is an NGO you can trust and rely on. The workers at all levels are committed in making the cancer journey an easy ride due to the information provided and informed support groups. They are angels of hope and through all the trials and tribulations brought by the illness they provide love and hope through the cancer journey. CANSA makes sure that we receive information in abundance.”

Marianna and Steven English, “We’d like to thank the CANSA Volunteers who always took the time to check in on my son by means of visits, calls, messages, etc whilst having cancer and going through chemo and radiation treatments. Our son Jason is in remission now and we are forever greatful for your support.”

Daleen Kruger, “Aan die engele van KANSA. Baie dankie vir al julle bystand deur als van my begin op my reis met kanker. Julle bystand en omgee liefde en hulp maak ons reis soveel makliker en beter. Sonder julle engele by KANSA sou dit nie moontlik gewees het nie.”


Global Hero of Hope Christell Strauss, “I have been in remission for the past 16 years after being diagnosed with breast cancer. From the first day after my operation a volunteer from CANSA was there for me. First in Benoni and thereafter Oxford Street Johannesburg. After moving to Barberton, I joined CANSA in Nelspruit. There I learned how much CANSA really cares for their volunteers and survivors.”

Bereavement Counselling

Toe die Steyn gesin in die middernagtelike ure hul geliefde aan die dood afgestaan het, het KANSA hulle bygestaan: “Ons wil net weereens dankie sê vir julle wonderlike diens en die pragtige en liefdevolle manier wat julle dit gedoen het. Ons as gesin waardeer julle bydrae in die moeilike tyd. Bid dat julle geseënd sal wees moet goeie gesondheid en energie dat julle sal kan voortgaan met julle liefdesdiens. Ons kan nie beskryf wat julle aan ons beteken het gisteraand nie.”

CANSA Care Homes

Chris Hougaard: “I certainly have been helped by CANSA when, during my 6 weeks Radiation Therapy at Groote Schuur, I was able to stay at the CANSA Eikehof Care Home. I stay approximately 7 hours drive from Groote Schuur Hospital and being away, far from home, especially during a crisis time like this, is never easy. However, the support from the staff at Eikehof made the journey much easier for me, greeting me with a great hug in the mornings when I left for Groote Schuur and the same in the afternoon, when I returned. I will never ever forget this support. Eikehof is my home away from home and it enabled me to make lifelong friends. Thank you CANSA and thank you, Eikehof!”

Henk Hills: “I was blessed to have been a resident at CANSA Tipuana Care Home for the duration of my treatment and follow up visits. The staff of CANSA as well as the other patients were all a part of my healing process. Today I can only pray that all cancer patients can have the same support that I had.”

André Bösser, regarding CANSA Tipuana Care Home: “Seldom does one find, much less expect a ‘home away from home’, and even less so when undergoing cancer treatment. Tipuana is a notable and refreshing exception in this regard. With friendly, helpful and understanding staff, delicious meals, close proximity to all amenities, and delightfully furnished accommodations, one truly feels ‘at home’ even if you are far away from your own. My deepest and sincerest thanks for not only allowing me into your ‘family’, but also for allowing me to become your friend though a very diffucult time. Neither my wife nor I will ever forget you or what have done for us! Expect a visit from us everytime we are in your valley!”

Elsie Berry, m.b.t KANSA Tipuana Sorgtuiste: “Watter ongelooflike ervaring. Sommer met die intrapslag is ons oorweldig met liefde, omgee, behulpsaamheid. Ek sal die uitkooptyd by Tipuana nooit vergeet. Julle doen uitstekende werk. Baie baie dankie…”

Elmarie, regarding CANSA Tipuana Care Home: “What a great place to be when you are sick or recovering from cancer treatment. Tipuana made my stay wonderful when I couldn’t be near family. All staff know how to work with the people staying there. I give them a 10 out 0f 10. Thank you!”

Retha Prinsloo, regarding CANSA Tipuana Care Home: “Tipuana was a ‘home away from home’ for us. My brother was terminally ill and the staff supported us every time we came to Pretoria to see the doctors. Their kindness and compassion will stay with me forever. I am still grateful for the humane interaction and their support in our time of crises.”

Wilma Horn, m.b.t. KANSA Tipuana Sorgtuiste: “Huis Tipuana was soos ‘n familiehuis vir my toe ek bestraling moes kry. 6 weke daar gebly. Baie goeie diens. Die bestuurders is goed en die staf in die huis wat kosmaak en skoonmaak is so oulik. Ek sal Tipuana vir enigeen aanbeveel.”

Sarie, m.b.t. KANSA Tipuana Sorgtuiste: “My man het gegaan vir bestraling. Ons het by huis Tipuana gebly. Wat ‘n wonderlike plek. Die personeel is vriendelik en behulpsaam. Die kos was heerlik. Dit is rerig ‘n plek wat jou laat tuis voel en dit help ‘n mens wat deur moeilike tyd gaan. Baie dankie.”

Francina Oosthuizen, m.b.t. KANSA Tipuana Sorgtuiste: “Graag wil ek net vir die span by Tipuana Care Home baie dankie sê. Ek het soos ‘n bang hondjie daar aangekom en die liefdevolle ontvangs was so onverwags dat ek eers myself moes gaan uithuil in my kamer, maar hulle het my uit my dop getrek en beter vriende as hulle almal kon ek nie voor vra nie. Ek het geblom en was nie meer bang nie. Die kos was beter as ‘n 5 ster hotel, want dit word met baie liefde gemaak. Ek mis julle almal en die pasiënte wat familie geword het. Mag julle van krag tot krag gaan. Ek beveel Tipuana aan en gee dit ‘n 5 ster status want vir beter diens en mense kon ek nie vra om my deur my kanker te trek nie.”

Cheryl Appelcryn, m.b.t. KANSA Tipuana Sorgtuiste: “Baie dankie dat julle daar is vir my sus en familie in die tyd van nood. Kon altyd op julle knoppie druk en die deure was oop.”

Dailine Arlow, m.b.t. KANSA Tipuana Sorgtuiste: “Ek was saam my beste vriendin Chantelle Smit vir die eerste keer by Huis Tipuana. Wat ‘n fantastiese, wonderlike, warm gevoel van die personeel van ons daar aangekom het. Chantelle is op haar hande gedra elke keer as sy daar  moes bly. Van my kant af wil en kan ek net onsettend dankbaar wees vir dit wat hul tot nou toe gedoen het.”

Christine Visser, m.b.t. KANSA Tipuana Sorgtuiste: “Ek was van April tot Junie 2021 daar vir my bestraling. Dit was baie onseker wat vir my wag. Die personeel het telefonies als met my bespreek maar steeds was ek onseker. Ek het na ure daar aangekom maar als was gereël. Die prentjie wat ek daar gekry het is iets wat altyd in my geheue sal bly. Daar was vir my ‘n heerlike bord kos en die pasiënte om die etenstafel was so vriendelik. Dankie vir ‘n huis van huis af.”

Carol, m.b.t. KANSA Tipuana Sorgtuiste: “Hoe begin mens verduidelik wat die ondersteuning en liefde en bystand van al die personeel by Tipuana beteken wanneer jy daai woorde hoor en bang en onseker is oor die pad wat voorlê. Die busbestuurder het ons elke dag moed ingepraat oppad hospitaal toe vir behandeling. Die personeel wat die kos voorberei het het dit met liefde en ‘n glimlag gedoen. Die personeel ondersteun my nogsteeds in my donker dae, al is ek al weer in die buite wêreld. Ek beveel Tipuana aan vir enige iemand wat behandeling moet kry, want daai huis en sy mense is meer werd as al die sielkundiges saam! Want hul stap elke tree saam met jou en is dankbaar en bly vir elke goeie dag wat jy beleef. Dankie vir my 2de huis.”

CANSA Stoma Service / Tele Stoma Support

Ron Mulder, wrote after CANSA assisted his sister with stoma advice / support: “CANSA – caring, considerate, nurturing (comforting), shepherding attention. Ensuring the feeling that what is sought, can be found and all will turn out for the best, giving hope. A wonderful community to turn to.”

A stoma patient, living in a remote area, recently responded with thanks, after being assisted through the CANSA Tele Stoma Service with regards to changing the stoma bag and being given advice with regards to treatment of side effects: “You really helped me because I didn’t know anything, and the consultation really helped me so much. And now I know at least how to do something and if I need help, I can ask you. Now I have a clue what to do when I have a rash.”

J A and S F Pretorius: “To Whom It May Concern: We would just like to convey our appreciation for the professional service that we received. There is never a hiccup with ordering our stoma equipment, and we know that the order will be spot on. We really appreciate the service that we get from CANSA. Thank you.”

Olga van Aswegen: “I just want to thank CANSA for the excellent service over these past years. Every time I phone for some donation bags staff are always helpful and make it their priority to help me as soon as possible. I’m the guardian of a 4 year old who has bladder cancer and uses a urine bag. The state does not supply us with enough urine bags and that’s why CANSA helps me. I do not have the finances to buy privately. The service I’m getting from CANSA is absolutely the best I have ever seen. Thanks!”

Joyce Anderson: “I had the operation in June 2008 and have had the stoma since then, so it has been a long time. I have had excellent stoma service and there is always somebody to help with questions and any problems that I might have.”

CANSA Tele Counselling

One of our clients had this to say about his counselling experience: “It was extremely helpful and I would have not been able to process my grief without it. I found my counsellor to be a very focused listener, engaging with subtlety and an open mind that I have rarely experienced. Very competent in understanding my case and allowing me to feel free to share my story and feel understood on my path. Kindness and compassion, but also guidance and straightforwardness that brought to my sessions a balance that created a space of trust where I could speak openly without ever feeling any judgment and always feeling supported! It was for me a deeply healing process and experience.”

CANSA FBK Support Groups:

Dina Harding, a member of CANSA Survivors – Champions of Hope Facebook support group, said: “Hi all. Just want to say this is a great group. I have made 3 new SURVIVOR friends. Had the honour of meeting one!”

Melissa Manaia, in response to support on CANSA Survivors – Champions of Hope Facebook support group: “Thank you all for the words of encouragement, this community really does make a big difference in how we make sense of everything and makes me feel not alone in the struggles that no one else understands unless they walked through it.”

Nonhlanhla Sephula, a member of CANSA Survivors – Champions of Hope Facebook support group, said: “Thank you so much for the information. What I love about this group, you are supportive and you respond to questions asked. Especially people like me who just got diagnosed and have no family member or friend who went through this disease. I am grateful. Thank you!”

Boitumelo Kembo, cancer patient and member of CANSA Survivors – Champions of Hope FBK support group: “Thank you for the links. I found useful resources on the group yesterday. Importantly, I found and experienced strength, care and compassion on the group.”

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CANSA Tele Counselling

 0800 22 6622 Toll Free
 072 197 9305 English and Afrikaans (text only)
 071 867 3530 isiXhosa, isiZulu, Sesotho, Setswana and Sepedi (text only)


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