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All Aboard for CANSA 90th – Dr Martin Mandew CANSA Board Member

Dr MDA Mandew

Dr Martin Mandew, Board member: “The support that CANSA gives to ordinary people, many of whom do not understand the complex challenges that a cancer diagnosis will present, is extremely valuable.”


What is your key message that you would like to share about CANSA’s 90-year anniversary?

The 90th anniversary of CANSA is a testament to the dedication, resilience, and hard work of all the hundreds of workers and thousands of volunteers who have brought the organisation to where it is. It is a testament to all the thousands of people who gave of their time, of their gifts, of their expertise, and of their resources in a quest for the health and well-being of others. It is this testament that energises and inspires us so that we take with confidence the next steps into the 90 years of CANSA’s existence which is to follow.

What service do you think CANSA should expand on in the next 10 years?

We should expand on the education component of our service. There is so much that the community needs to know, so that they can make the right lifestyle choices, at the right time, and do the right things for themselves and their communities. As the saying goes, ‘knowledge is power’.

Which part of CANSA’s service do you admire the most – research, educate, or support?

The support that CANSA gives to ordinary people, many of who do not understand the complex challenges that a cancer diagnosis will present to them or their loved ones is extremely valuable.

What is your leadership style?

I am a strong believer in team-work. Every person in the team has a contribution to make and a diverse team designs good strategies and makes wise decisions. It becomes quite easy as a leader to be accountable when you know that the final decision was reached through a rich process. As the African saying goes, ‘if you want to go fast, go alone, but if you want to go far, go with others’.

What is your motivation to serve CANSA?

My service to CANSA is in memory of my dear mom who succumbed to cancer more than twenty years ago. It is a service to the community which keeps my sense of empathy alive and active, and which also helps to keep any sense of greed and selfishness in check. I believe this country would be in a good space if we all did some form of voluntary community service to bequeath our children and grandchildren a better and caring country.

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