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CANSA Tipuana Care Home

Please see list of in-kind donations, maintenance and services required at the bottom of the post

The CANSA Tipuana Care Home provides home-away-from-home accommodation for cancer patients, who live far from treatment centres, while undergoing treatment.

Patients’ length of stay varies from six to eight weeks.

Patients go home on weekends and may book in again on Sunday afternoons between 16:00 and 17:00.

Patients may bring a caregiver along to assist them, providing there are beds available, as preference is given to patients.

The Care Home is situated on the same premises as the CANSA Pretoria Care Centre.

During the day patients can ask staff at the Care Centre for assistance and a member of staff is on call at night.


The CANSA Tipuana Care Home is situated in Rietfontein, Pretoria, next to the CANSA Pretoria Care Centre in a secure environment, near the following treatment centres: Steve Biko Academic Hospital, Little Company of Mary Hospital, Life Eugene Marais Hospital, Life Wilgers Hostpital, Netcare Unitas Hospital, Meulmed Mediclinic and Midstream Oncology Centre.

There is a curio shop on the premises of the Care Home and Care Centre. Patients are dropped at the Jacaranda Shopping Centre, Queens Shopping Centre or local shops and pharmacy when they need to purchase groceries or personal items (usually en route to or from treatment).

For bookings or more information, contact the CANSA Tipuana Care Home on 012-329 3036 or 072 021 7848 | 0800 22 66 22 or

32 Lys Street, Rietfontein, 0084
P.O. Box 275, Pretoria, 0001


Fees per day are calculated taking income and medical aid benefits available into consideration.

Patients pay a fee of R200 per day and supply their own toiletries and towels.

Linen is changed and washed weekly.


  • Meals: Three meals per day (breakfast, lunch – main meal,  and supper – patients help themselves to sandwiches at night)
  • Capacity: 29 patients may be accommodated
  • Rooms: Communal lounge and dining area; kitchen; bathrooms
  • Outside: A secure garden area (shared with the CANSA Pretoria Care Centre)


  • Transport: Provision of transport to and from treatment centres (free of charge)
  • Medical Equipment Hire: Wheelchairs, walking aids (on request) from CANSA Care Centre (a reasonable fee or donation is required)
  • Assistive Devices: Wigs, breast prostheses, mastectomy and lumpectomy bras, lymphoedema garments from CANSA Care Centre and stoma products from the Stoma Clinic
  • Information: CancerCare Coping Kit & information regarding patients’ illness (free of charge)
  • Emotional Support: Individual counselling is available and a support group is held once per month (free of charge)
  • Recreational Activities: Browsing in the curio shop; library (free of charge)
  • Spiritual Support: Interdenominational ministers render spiritual support every Thursday (free of charge)


The CANSA Tipuana Care Home was the first of its kind in South Africa, and was established in 1970, the first patient taking up residence in August that year.

Our aim is to ensure that cancer Survivors (patients) and their loved ones know that they are not alone, and to support them through every step of their cancer journey. To this end our Care Home provides patients with peace of mind, as they receive treatment.

Elize Buckle: “Hannes, my wederhelfte, was vir bestraling by Wilgers en het vanaf 19 September 2016 tot 27 Oktober 2016 by Tipuana tuis gegaan.

Baie dankie aan al die vriendelike en hulpvaardige personeel, skoon slaapplek en goeie kos wat jul voorsit. Ons is jul baie dankbaar.”

Marinda Smal: “Ons as gesin wil net vir al die personeel baie dankie sê vir al julle hulp en bystand met my broer, Kobie Smit gedurende sy bestraling by Muelmed. Julle lewer ‘n uitstekende diens en ons is julle innig dankbaar.

Skoon en netjiese geriewe”.


The CANSA Tipuana Care Home relies on donations from the public in order to continue providing a home-away-from-home to cancer patients.

No government funding is provided.

Please consider making an online donation to support the CANSA Tipuana Care Home or see EFT details below:

Account Name: Cancer Association of South Africa – Tipuana
Bank: ABSA
Branch code: 632005
Account number: 906 361 9138

Public Benefit Organisation (PBO) number – Cancer Association of South Africa (CANSA): 130001397

Non Profit Organisation Registration number – Cancer Association of South Africa (CANSA): 000-524 NPO

Support Resources for cancer Survivors & Loved Ones

Cancer patients and loved ones are invited to join our FBK Support Group: CANSA Cancer Survivors – Champions of Hope or to join a support group by submitting the online form.

Find additional online resources for cancer Survivors (anyone who has heard the words ‘you have cancer’) or loved ones, and about coping with cancer.

Make an appointment for free CANSA Tele Counselling with a trained CANSA counsellor by submitting the online booking form.

This is a confidential, professional, cancer-related telephonic counselling service to cancer patients (adult / child / teen), caregivers and their families and parents or guardians of children living with cancer.

Counselling is available in seven languages (English, Afrikaans, isiXhosa, isiZulu, Sesotho, Setswana and Sepedi) and is free of charge.

2024 – Donations Appeal:

We would appreciate the following donations – if you are spring cleaning or upgrading or downscaling, please remember us:

Maintenance / Repairs / Services / Safety

  • new door
  • installation fire alarm
  • paint interior walls



  • Appliances: x 2 air fryers; x 1 large dishwasher



  • x 25 mattresses (single)
  • x 60 pillows


  • Appliances: x 1 smart TV

Grocery items

  • Breakfast cereals: Jungle Oats, Weet-bix, Maltabella, Morevite, Future Life (sachets)
  • Meat (red or chicken) and fish
  • Fresh and frozen vegetables
  • Fresh and dried fruit
  • Soup tinned and frozen
  • Tinned food: baked beans, butter beans, sweet corn, pilchards, tuna
  • Spreads: butter, margarine, cheese, Bovril, Marmite, peanut butter
  • Condiments and spices
  • Cooking oil
  • Dry ingredients: rice, sugar, cake flour, pasta, samp, maize meal
  • Drinks: coffee, tea ordinary and rooibos, milo, long life milk, Oros
  • Cremora
  • Dessert: custard, jelly

Cleaning materials

  • washing powder, fabric softener, bleach
  • dishwashing liquid and soap, scouring pad, dish cloths, disposable gloves
  • tile cleaner
  • Handy Andy
  • toilet cleaner, air freshener, toilet paper
  • hand wash
  • mops, brooms, dusters
  • black refuse bags

Toiletries (patients)

  • bath soap, shower gel
  • toothpaste, toothbrushes
  • roll on deodorant (male / female)
  • wash cloths
  • vaseline

Entertainment (patients)

  • Puzzles, games and activity books
  • Art and craft supplies (adult colouring in books and colouring pencils)
  • Wool and knitting needles

Contact Person:

Contact Alta Marais regarding in-kind donations…

How was your stay at the CANSA Tipuana Care Home?


  • Frans en Bella Nelson says:

    Ons woon in Middelburg en moes ses weke behandeling ontvang. Die dokter het Tipuana aanbeveel sodat ons nie nodig gehad het om heen en weer te ry nie. Ek is in my laaste week van behandeling en wil net my dank aan al die personeel en Suster Roz oordra. Ek kan net beaam wat alreeds gese is. Dit was inderdaad ‘n tuiste en nie net verblyf nie. Al die goeie vriende wat gemaak is. Die oneindige energie van Sr Roz wat ‘n passie het vir wat sy doen. Ek hoop dat my skamele bydrae tot groot hulp sal wees in die toekoms. Sr Roz het drome vir Tipuana om nog beter te wees maar is afhanklik van donasies omdat hulle geen toelaag van die staat ontvang nie. Daar is ‘n lys van baie nodige items op die web blad. As jy enigsins kan bydra, help hulle asseblief. Dalk eendag in die toekoms, ons sal nie weet nie, maak jy dalk gebruik van die diens agv jou omstandighede. Sr Roz, ek hoop die Here seen julle ryklik.

  • Erika de Beer says:

    Ons seuntjie het in 2000 leukemia gehad hy was net 14mnd. Ons was van Louis Trichardt en het oor gebly elke keer by Tipuana. Ian is vandag 25jr oud. Hy was die enigste kind wat in die saal was wat oorleef het. Tipuana was voorwaar n tuiste vir ons. Die persooneel het harte van goud. Baie dankie aan almal wat ons daai tyd so ondersteun het. Baie dankie vir julle toewyding en liefde.

  • Berenice van der Walt says:

    Hiermee wil ek Berenice en my man Fanie die personeel lede van Huis Tipuana innig bedank vir alles wat hulle vir ons gedoen en beteken het in die byna 6 weke wat ons daar gebly het. Spesiale dankie aan Margeret die bestuurderes van Huis Tipuana, Solly die drywer, Rachel die kok, Julia die skoonmaker en Ciska van die stoma kliniek…julle het ons met ons aankoms dadelik tuis laat voel en niks was ooit moeite vir julle nie. Dis ʼn ware tussen huis in murg en been. Wonderlike omgee mense en altyd daar om hulp te verleen. Ons het ook dierbare lewenslange vriende daar ontmoet. Ons is waarlik geseênd om die tyd van Fanie sê bestraling daar te kon deurbring. Weereens baie dankie aan elkeen van julle. Liefde groete Berenice en Fanie xx

  • Antonie Jacobs says:

    Wat n ongelooflike ervaaring. Almal hanteer mens met soveel liefde en respek.. die kos is uit die boonste rakke en vir meer gasvryheid kan mens ook nie vra nie. Baie dankie aan elke personeel lid vir al die liefde hulp en ondersteuning. Niks is ooit te veel vir julle nie.

  • Sandra and Ricardo strydom says:

    Tipuana is definitely a 2nd home, rooms are nice and clean, food is excellent and staff are always friendly… A very huge THANK YOU to everyone from Tipuana for welcoming us with open arms always willing to help in any situation.

  • Lorna Prinsloo says:

    Dit is home from home hier en vind jy vriende for life time. Huis Tipuana is regtig n besondere plek. Jy kry liefde en aandag. Magriet se deur staan altyd oop net vir n drukkie of geselsie. Die petsoneel behandel jou of jy die enigste een is daar met liefde en respek. Die kos is hemels, sal mut groter klere koop as ons huis toe gaan. Hulle bied n hawe in n tyd wat hy dit die nodigste het. Sal dit enige tyd vir almal aan beveel. Liefde Lorna.

  • Donald Naude says:

    Huis Tupiana is die beste van die beste. Die personnel is baie professioneel en vriendelik asook die bestuur. Dankie vir julle diens en waarvoor julle staan. Ons is dankbaar vir plekke soos Tipuana.

  • Dominique Abrie says:

    Eerste wil ek vra wie sou ooit kon dink deur n vreeslike harde tyd in jou lewe waar jy deurgaan kan jy selfs n lekker tyd he? Ek was verwelkom met ope arms van die skoonmakers tot die bestuur by Huis Tipuana. Ek sal Huis Tipuana aanbeveel vir enige persoon. Jy is weg van die huis maar tog is jy by die huis terselle tyd. Tannie Margaret se vriendelikheid en dat sy haar eie werk op sy sit om net te gesels en mens op die positief pad hou. Ek het lief geraak vir haar as my Pta moeder en so sal dit bly. Die staff is ook wonderlik met wonderlike kos wat op jou wag. 5-ster hotelle? Nee wag ek boek in by Tipuana! En dan het ons pasiente n familie bond tussen mekaar en almal is daar vir mekaar. Soos hulle se n huis van jou eie huis af. Ek beveel Tipuana aan vir enige persoon wat op die uitkyk is vir akkomodasie tydens kankerbehandeling en die moeilike tyd waardeur hulle gaan… Daar is geen twyfel. Baie dankie vir alles wat Huis Tipuana vir my gedoen het en weet verseker ek is dankbaar… Die hele span daar is uitstekend en verwelkom almal met die grootste respek. Baie dankie!

  • Sthembile says:

    Tipuana gave me a peace of mind and restore hope. They took good care of my mom for 5 weeks during her treatment. First day we walked we received a warm welcome at the reception and I felt at home. I am still thankful for Margaret to let me do a surprise for my mother’s birthday and Solly to shop on my behalf buy all the gifts I desired to buy for my mom.

  • Carol says:

    Hoe begin mens verduidelik wat die ondersteuning en liefde en bystand van al die personeel by Tipuana beteken wanneer jy daai woorde hoor en bang en onseker is oor die pad wat voorlé. Solly het ons elke dag moed ingepraat oppad hospitaal toe vir behandeling. Julia en Rachel wat die kos voorberei het het dit met liefde en n glimlag gedoen. Margaret is nou nog deel van my vriendekring (saam met al die mense wat saam in die huis was) en ondersteun my nog steeds in my donker dae al is ek al weer in die buite wêreld. Ek beveel Tipuana aan vir enige iemand wat behandeling moet kry….want daai huis en sy mense is meer werd as al die sielkundiges saam! Want hul stap elke tree saam met jou en is dankbaar en bly vir elke goeie dag wat jy beleef. Dankie vir my 2de huis.

  • Cheryl Appelcryn says:

    Baie dankie dat julle daar is vir my sus en familie in die tyd van nood. Kon altyd op julle knoppie druk en die deure was oop. Mag die Here julle seen. Baie baie dankie.

  • Dailine Arlow says:

    Ek was saam my beste vriendin Chantelle Smit vir die eerste keer by huis Tipuana. Wat ñ fantastiese wonderlike warm gevoel van Magaret en die personeel van ons daar aangekom het. Chantelle is op haar hande gedra elke keer as sy daar oor moes bly. Van my kant af wil en kan ek net onsettend dankbaar wees vir dit wat hul tot nou toe gedoen het. Hul help tans met Chantelle se oorplasing waar sy vir ñ langer tydperk gaan bly.

  • Christine Visser says:

    Ek was van April tot Junie 2021 daar vir my bestraling. Dit was baie onseker wat vir my wag. Margaret het telefonies als met my bespreek maar steeds was ek onseker. Ek het na ure daar aangekom maar als was gereël. Die prentjie wat ek daar gekry het is iets wat altyd in my geheue sal bly. Daar was vir my ‘n heerlike bord kos en die pasiënte om die etenstafel was so vriendelik. Ek wil nog steeds vir Rachel en Julia huistoe bring. Solly sal ook my die hele wêreld vol rond ry. Margaret is verseker ‘n mens wat die geen moeite sal spaar om die onmoontlik moontlik te laat gebeur nie. Dankie vir ‘n huis van huis af.

  • Francina Oosthuizen says:

    Graag wil ek net vir Magret en haar span by Tipuana Care Home baie dankie sê. Ek het soos ñ bang hondtjie daar aangekom en die liefdevolle ontvangs was so onverwags dat ek eers myself moes gaan uithuil in my kamer maar hulle het my uit my dop getrek en beter vriende as hulle almal kon ek nie voor vra nie. Ek het geblom en was nie bang meer nie. Die kos was beter as ñ 5 ster hotel want dit word met baie liefde gemaak. En ek moet erken dat ek wens ek kon weer teruggaan maar kuier en hallo sê is bo aan my lys. Magret jy is ñ wonderlike mens met jou tyd wat jy afstaan om net te luister en te help waar jy kan. Ek mis julle almal en die pasiënte wat familie geword het. Mag julle van krag tot krag gaan. Ek beveel Tipuana aan en gee dit ñ 5 ster status want vir beter diens en mense kon ek nie vra om my deur my kanker te trek nie. Mag die HERE almal seën van TIPUANA CARE HOME.🙏🙏🙏🙏💖💖💖💖😇😇😇😇

  • André Bösser says:

    Seldom does one find, much less expect a “home away from home”, and even less so when undergoing cancer treatment. Tipuana is a notable and refreshing exception in this regard.

    With friendly, helpful and understanding staff, delicious meals, close proximity to all amenities, and delightfully furnished accommodations, one truly feels ‘at home’ even if you are far away from your own.

    To Margaret, Solly, Rachel and Julia, my deepest and sincerest thanks for not only allowing me into your ‘family’, but also for allowing me to become your friend though a very diffucult time. Neither my wife nor I will ever forget you or what have done for us! Expect a visit from us everytime we are in your valley!

  • Elsie Berry says:

    Watter ongelooflike ervaring. Sommer met die intrapslag is ons oorweldig met liefde, omgee, behulpsaamheid. Ek moet Jan die drywer uitsonder. Hy is soos ‘n engel. Margaret en haar span. Ouma Fien het afgesterf, maar ek sal die uitkooptyd by Tipuana nooit vergeet Julle doen uitstekende werk. Baie baie dankie..

  • Elmarie says:

    What a great place to be when you are sick or recovering from cancer. Tipuana made my stay wonderful when you can’t be near family. All staff knows how to work with the people staying there. I give them a 10 out of 10. Thank you Magaret and staff.

  • Retha Prinsloo says:

    Tipuana was a ‘home away from home’ for us during 2020. My brother was terminally ill and Margaret and het team, as well as other CANSA employees, supported us every time we came to Pretoria to see the doctors. Their kindness and compassion will stay with me forever. I am still grateful for the humane interaction and their support in our time of crises.

  • Wilma Horn says:

    Huis Tipuana was soos n familiehuis vir my toe ek bestraling moes kry. 6 weke daar gebly. Baie goeie diens, Margaret is die beste, die bestuurders is goed en die staf in die huis wat kosmaak en skoonmaak is so oulik. Ek sal Tipuana vir enigeen aanbeveel.

  • Sarie says:

    My man het gegaan vir bestraling. Ons het by Huis Tipuana gebly. Wat ‘n wonderlike plek. Die personeel is vriendelik en behulpsaam. Die kos was heerlik. Dit is rerig ‘n plek wat jou laat tuis voel en dit help wanneer jy deur ‘n moeilike tyd gaan. Baie dankie.

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CANSA Tele Counselling

 0800 22 6622 Toll Free
 072 197 9305 English and Afrikaans (text only)
 071 867 3530 isiXhosa, isiZulu, Sesotho, Setswana and Sepedi (text only)


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