Milestone Celebration an Opportunity to Bless CANSA TLC Onco-kids
When a young gentleman, Mario du Toit, from the Vaal Triangle turned 40 recently, he decided to celebrate his life in a very different way.
His friends received a friendly humorous last minute birthday gift request for a specific “toy”, which is actually a beautiful bed buddy to relieve pressure sores from long periods of bedstay to help cancer kids. The idea was to motivate his family and friends to each sponsor such a product for the cancer children at CANSA Nicus Lodge, one for each year of his life, but the response was even better than expected.
If the idea was to give a Bibi for each year, he must admit that he aged fast. We have received 64 Bibi’s and had many happy kids at his birthday outreach in September 2021. These products are made with a fully washable non-furry cotton material and also helps with tactile sensitivy and emotional support.
Having Bibi hearts onboard as a support NPC towards Nicus lodge is an absolute blessing. We thank Odette Koch and team for manufacturing these beautiful handmade loveable giraffes that brought smiles to all the kids present in the ward at the time of their outreach.
We would like to encourage others to continue with this initiative turning their own celebrations into an opportunity to bless our oncology kids outreaches in other CANSA TLC Units…
Should anyone be interested to take hands with us, they are welcome to contact Vera van Dalen for more information on cell 082 4664 152 or or make an online donation to support the work that CANSA TLC does supporting children / teens with cancer, as well as their families.
Read more about CANSA TLC….