The responsibility rests with patients to contact CANSA for assistance. Read more...

Link Between Breast Cancer and Malignant Melanoma

Recent studies have provided evidence of a link between Breast Cancer and Malignant Melanoma. These studies raise the possibility that survivors of one cancer may be prone to developing the other cancer. Read Pubmed Studies

Carriers of mutations in the Breast Cancer Gene have an increased risk of Melanoma, while carriers of mutations in the Melanoma Susceptibility Gene exhibit higher than expected risk for Breast Cancer.

Implications for Malignant Melanoma Patients

The studies recommend that all Malignant Melanoma patients, with a history of Breast Cancer, should be referred to a breast clinic. Women above the age of 40 with Malignant Melanoma, should undergo annual mammography and those younger than 40 should be evaluated too.

Implications for Breast Cancer Patients

All Breast Cancer patients should be made aware of the significance of changing moles and those with suspicious lesions, should be referred to a dermatologist for an evaluation.

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