Cancer Survivor Cycles and Runs for CANSA
15 September 2021 – On 17 September, cancer survivor, Richard Lomax, sets out on his incredible journey of cycling from Johannesburg to Cape Town in support of Cancer Association of South Africa (CANSA)’s 90th anniversary. He’s estimated to arrive in Cape Town, in early October, just in time to participate in the Cape Town Cycle Tour, as well as the Sanlam Cape Town Marathon the following weekend and ending with running the London Virtual Marathon, in a bid to raise awareness and funds.
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Richard Lomax
“About eight years ago I got skin cancer and since then I have battled recurring skin cancer, sometimes mild, but at other times quite severe. I’ve been hospitalised to remove cancer that had spread to my brain. A brain tumour was removed I had two rounds of radiation treatment. I have friends and family who have cancer and again the treatment has allowed them to recover. I have also lost family to cancer, so it is a condition that has had a profound influence on my life,” says Richard Lomax.
He believes that cancer should not stop one from achieving one’s dreams. He lives out his belief through his active lifestyle, and is passionate about raising awareness of cancer, particularly skin cancer.
He adds, “I am so thankful that I was able to recover. The treatment I received saved my life on a number of occasions and allowed me to remain active”.
Lomax’s cycle tour route will cover the following areas:
Day 1: Cradle of Humankind to Koster – 114 km; Day 2: Koster to Lichtenberg – 94 km;
Day 3: Lichtenberg to Delareyville – 114 km; Day 4: Delareyville to Schweizer- Reneke – 61.3 km;
Day 5: Schweizer- Reneke to Christiana – 115 km; Day 6: Christiana to Delportshoop – 112 km;
Day 7: Delportshoop to Douglas – 98 km; Day 8 and Day 9: Douglas to Prieska – 156 km; Day 10: Prieska to Vosburg – 108 km; Day 11: Vosburg to Carnavon – 107 km; Day 12: Carnavon to Fraserburg – 135 km; Day 13: Fraserburg to Sutherland – 108 km; Day 14, 15, 16: Sutherland to Ceres – 287 km; Day 17: Ceres to Malmesbury – 101 km; Day 18: Malmesbury to Waterfront CT – 81 km and Day 19: Waterfront to Cape Point – 72 km.
This is a total of 1 863 km, plus the Cape Town Cycle Tour, should add up to an unbelievable 1 953 km cycled for CANSA.
Anyone wanting to support Richard in his efforts, secure online donations can be made here. The funds raised will be donated to CANSA to assist with their ongoing work, and in particular research focused on reducing public exposure to cancer risks.
(For more information, please contact Lucy Balona, Head: Marketing and Communication at CANSA at email Call 011 616 7662 or mobile 082 459 5230.)
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