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To All ‘Lion Hearts’ Out There Fighting Cancer

Matthew de Klerk Lions Heart

A ‘Lion’s Heart’ – in memory of Matthew de Klerk…

Daniel Baron, popular South African singer & songwriter, shares a personal message of encouragement to all children fighting cancer, below:

We all have people that inspire us in our lives. My cousin, Matthew de Klerk, was diagnosed with cancer at the age of 3. He fought it until he was 14.

A couple of weeks before he passed away, I was inspired to write him a song. This song, ‘A Lion’s Heart’, is about Matthew – about his indescribable bravery and about his love for life.

He taught me that if we have faith, live life for each moment and appreciate the gift of today, we will “never be afraid of the dark”. Not once was Matthew ever afraid. He really did have ‘a lion’s heart’.

I dedicate this song to Matthew’s memory and to all other ‘Lion Hearts’ out there fighting cancer…

(Permission was obtained from Daniel Baron to share this story & video).

Support for Children | Teens & Families Affected by Cancer

Please contact CANSA TLC, if you and your loved ones need care & support – email: – read more about our TLC Programme

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