How to QUIT Smoking
If you are a smoker, giving up smoking is the best present you can give yourself and your loved ones.
There are proven techniques you can try to help you join the increasing numbers of smokers who are quitting for good.
Time to Quit
CANSA encourages smokers or those who have started using any tobacco product to get support to quit. Counselling and medication can more than double the chance of a smoker to succeed when attempting to quit.
CANSA’s free online eKickButt programme helps with quitting – smoking – through a series of emails, surveys and downloads, and guides and mentors you, as you quit smoking, and non-smoking becomes a lifelong habit, not merely the time interval between two cigarettes.
This programme supplies a series of handy tools – tried and tested – to help you quit for good. Sign up for free…
Other Support Resources:
Allen Carr’s Easyway to Stop Smoking Programme is a CANSA Smart Choice. View helpful tips here…
Call the National Council Against Smoking (NCAS) QUIT Line: 011 720 3145 or email: – download the NCAS Quit Guideline PDF: English | Afrikaans | Zulu (with permission by NCAS)
- 10 useful tips to help you quit smoking
- SA Tobacco Smoking Cessation Clinical Practice Guideline (for practising clinicians)
- Survey Reveals Desperation to Quit – NICORETTE®
- Quit Smoking – Stories of Hope
- A Cautionary Tale… – smoking devastates family…