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Horses Can Play a Key Part in Cancer Therapy

“Best medicine, the love of animals,” says Martina Ackerman cancer Survivor.

According to a recent study, by 2030 South Africa could see cases of cancer increase by 78%. The medical journal Lancet predicts that globally, new cancer cases will have risen from 12.7 million in 2008 to 22.2 million by 2030.

But while these figures may make shocking reading, there are an increasing number of therapies available to help those living with cancer.

One of these is equine therapy. Horses make great companions and their calming effect can help to reduce stress in patients dealing with cancer and the effects of their gruelling treatment.

Horses offer a much-needed distraction from the worry over a patient’s condition and can help them to come to terms with their diagnosis.

By learning to handle a horse, it helps patients gain a new sense of control and pride and can play a significant role in cancer treatment.

Read full post by Jenny Holt on

Dr Vandana Dhamankar, Assistant Director Cancer Survivorship, of the Indian Cancer Society, says the following regarding the benefits of equine or horse therapy:

“The physical and psychological benefits of this therapy are countless. For instance, physically, patients improve their balance and coordination.”

“Rebuilding strength and muscles that may have weakened during cancer treatment and prolonged inactivity, is of tremendous value. Patients go through trauma while taking treatment after treatment, they need emotional support, love and care, and this therapy works well,” she said. Read full post…

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