CANSA Research Type A Funding Call 2026
CANSA is now accepting expressions of research interest focused on controlling priority cancers in South Africa. Research may be on a range of cancer control determinants, including those with a focus on public health, and clinical and basic sciences. We also welcome projects investigating cancer research that utilises new methodologies and technologies. Projects should focus on priority cancers as identified by the National Department of Health (NDoH) and could include the following areas of investigation:
- Epidemiology and determinants of the burden of cancer in South African populations and interventions to address these
- Health-seeking behaviours to improve early detection, diagnosis, and interventions to reduce cancer risk
- Optimal patient care including clinical care, rehabilitation, and palliation
- Health services and health systems strengthening, including research relating to pathways to cancer care
- Health economics of cancer, including the economic burden of cancer, its risk factors, and cost-effectiveness research
- Research relating to cancer biology/biochemistry/molecular biology as these relate to risk reduction, early detection, and both definitive and supportive patient care
Projects with a high likelihood of impact on cancer prevention or diagnosis and treatment of priority cancers in South Africa will be favoured.
Criteria considered for reviewing projects
- Research question and anticipated outcome of the study
- How the outcomes could be used or applied to cancer control in South Africa
- Influence on current cancer control practices/products/services/treatment/pathways to care
- Potential cancer policy influence
- Complementing research already in progress
Alignment with
- CANSA’s Mission and Goals
- Cancer control policy/policies in South Africa
Applicants’ partnerships and funding track record
- Current and previous collaborations
- Experience with managing large grant-funded projects
- Other grants awarded/applied for that relate to the proposed project
Preliminary Data and Feasibility
- Preliminary data from the research team and partners. This should include data from smaller related projects that demonstrate the feasibility of the project. Information from literature reviews of research carried out by other teams will not be considered preliminary data.
- Applicants’ participation in ongoing research in the field
- Justification for the relevance of the proposed research
- The planned interdisciplinary collaboration within an accredited research institution or across institutions, including partnerships with other NGOs
- Track record of the research team
CANSA will contribute up to R750 000 annually and the host University R250 000 annually. In total R3 million over the 3 years, subject to satisfactory progress and reporting as outlined in the Guidelines on the CANSA Type A Research Funding Programme document.
Application Process
Interested applicants are invited to submit a Letter of Interest by completing the online form, available at the Apply button below (take careful note of the character limits in each field). Shortlisted applicants will then be invited to submit a full proposal.
APPLYYou may download this document to see all the required fields of the online Letter of Interest form. Please note the character limits in each field. Please note that the downloaded form may not be submitted to us, only applications using the online form will be accepted.
If you have not received an email confirmation of your Letter of Interest receipt within 7 days of submitting it, please email
Letters of Interest submission deadline: Wednesday, 30 April 2025.
Invitations for submission of full proposals will be communicated from Monday, 16 June 2025 and the deadline for submissions of full proposals will be Friday, 26 September 2025.
No late applications will be accepted.
Guidelines & More Information
- Download the Guidelines on the CANSA Type A Research Funding Programme
- For more information please visit here or email